SGQ – Brisbane and Joint Venture Updates

Region Updates

Tender/Precontracts update

SGQ’s Joint Venture with Albem (ASJV) has continued its strong growth and presence in QLD, achieving the low bid on a major Highway Road project between Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. If successful, the JV would require a dedicated project team in the region through 2025/2026. A big congratulations to the tendering team involved, yielding a professional, detailed and positive submission that has put us in a great position for success.

Other opportunities continue to present from available tenders including multiple bridges, major road upgrades, hydro, civil projects as well flood infrastructure remediation packages across QLD and Northern NSW.

Project Updates

M1 Burleigh to Palm Beach Motorway Upgrade (SMA)

The project delivered by SMA joint venture (SGQ, McIlwain and Albem Operations) is on the home stretch, with significant completion of the project on track for December… just in time for the Xmas rush!

By the end of December, the project will see final works including:

  • Final SMA surfacing asphalt shifts, finishing all the Northbound and Southbound Package A to C motorway pavements for the project
  • Final traffic switch to complete Tsipura Drive intersection and signalised interchange

Once the project is complete, SGQ will welcome back John Goodwin and team to expand our tendering department and support the delivery of active projects in the South East Region.

Townsville Connection Road Stage 2 & 4 (ASJV)

Stages 2 & 4 of Townsville Connection Road are progressing well, with two major milestones over the past quarter, including

  • A major traffic switch completion at the Mervyn Crossman Drive / Stuart Drive roundabout, placing the traffic on the new surface with a temporary roundabout in place.
  • Traffic also shifted across at Gordon Creek, allowing for access and placement of culverts (now well underway) where the new northbound lanes will be.

Both milestones are big achievements, and it is fantastic to see the ASJV team succeeding in Townsville.

Townsville Connection Road Stage 3 – Bowen Road Bridge Duplication (ASJV)

After the ASJV was successfully awarded TCR Stage 3 in the previous quarter, works have ramped up on the bridge construction over past months including hitting test pile milestones in September. The milestone now allows the ASJV project to continue works on Stage 3. The team is working on the southern bund currently, with all of the pier 3 bottom lengths completed. The project should see the northern bund completed early in November 2024, allowing the project to start work on the northern aspect of the bridge.

Torbanlea Pialba Road & Beelbi Creek Bridge Upgrade (ASJV)

We have successfully achieved Final Completion on original scope of works for this project however our client requested ASJV to carry out a full reseal of the entire pavement on this project including linemarking as a variation to the contract. This additional scope of works were carried out successfully during October 2024.

Team Update

With the Brisbane office opening and job opportunities arising, the team has expanded in Brisbane with the following new starters:

  • Tomika Richardson:

Undergraduate Engineering studying Bachelor of Civil Engineering at QUT. Tomika is assisting the Brisbane Office in a range of works to expand her knowledge and skills whilst studying at university.

  • Patrick Dubroy:

Transferred from SGQ Hervey Bay and is set to assist the team on our TMR Flood Remediation Project (Brisbane Sites)