The $3.7m project involved the replacement of 2 x Dilapidated Timber Bridges at the end of their life cycle, replaced with new pre-cast concrete editions on Wahpunga Lane and Tablelands Road respectively. Extensive planning and effective implementation of key construction methods, traffic Mgmt (including detours), community liaison and sensitive environmental management was required. The project was completed for Noosa Shire Council.
Hinterland Bridges, Sunshine Coast
Scope of Work
Notable Aspects
Wahpunga Lane Bridge;
- Extensive traffic and community management due to long-term detours
- Sensitive natural environment management of Kin Kin Creek waterway, protected/endangered/invasive vegetation and protected species (Tusked Frog)
- Safe Construction of bridges in tight working areas for cranes and earthmoving machinery
- Due to flooding and significant rainfall in the region, heavy vehicle restrictions were enforced limiting the ability to access site
- Project delivered as per program (with EOTs for inclement weather) despite 2469mm of rain during project delivery
Tablelands Road Bridge;
- Extensive traffic and community management due to daily road closures between 8 am-4 pm including developing solutions for local resident trafficability
- Successful Staging, Planning and Execution of a 72hr complete road closure to demolish, construct new bridge and reopen to residential traffic
- Creative Provision of a taxi service to manage the construction disruptions to residents
- Sensitive natural environment management of waterway, steep terrain and protected species (Tusked Frog)
- Temporary micro-piling works are required to stabilise the existing bridge to cater for heavy emergency service vehicles
- Safe Construction of a bridge in tight working areas with difficult steep access to the site
- On-time delivery of project despite 712mm of rain over the 12-week construction period
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